Five Keys Housing History
In 2018, Five Keys began operating congregate-setting shelter services on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH). We have been providing case management and referral placements at the Bayshore Navigation Center for 128 guests and at the Embarcadero SAFE Navigation Center for up to 200 guests.
With the onset of the pandemic, HSH asked Five Keys to manage five emergency Shelter-in-Place (SIP) sites in San Francisco. From a conference center to converted hotels with individual rooms our sites provided safe refuge for vulnerable people needing to quarantine or safely socially distance.
Today Five Keys provides integrated property management and supportive services for more than 3,000 people each year at 15 sites in San Francisco and Alameda counties, including emergency shelters and navigation centers and permanent supportive housing sites for chronically homeless and medically fragile individuals. Many of our housing sites welcome couples and pets for emotional support. We offer interim housing with comprehensive case management and navigation services leading to placement into short-term, transitional, rapid re-entry, emergency, and permanent housing, as is appropriate to individuals’ needs.
We accept all referrals from the local Coordinated Entry System with a Low-Barrier, “Housing First,” Harm-Reduction model that prioritizes rapid placements into housing, irrespective of current substance use and behavioral health struggles. Once housed, individuals receive support obtaining ID documentation, access to public benefits, and referrals to medical services and other necessities for their journeys to stable housing.
In 2018, we partnered with Mayor London Breed’s Office and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) to open a new kind of shelter — one where residents are treated like guests,
not numbers.
Building on our core belief that our shelter residents are guests, we subsequently opened the Embarcadero Safe Navigation Center, perhaps the most high-profile shelter in the nation.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Five Keys Housing Services stepped in to operate shelter-in-place (SIP) housing sites throughout San Francisco from shuttered hotels to the Moscone Center.
We currently serve approximately 1,500 individuals on any given day, across 15 housing sites in San Francisco and Alameda Counties. We are able to scale up new sites and services quickly and continue to add or upgrade emergency housing sites into permanent supportive housing (PSH). Five Keys remains responsive, flexible, and innovative to bring creative solutions to property management and supportive services.